Measuring Key performance indicators is a must in the field service industry. You need to be able to look at data, past and present to identify areas of improvement or perhaps what your team is excelling in. Without the right information, there is no way to indicate that your business objectives are being met. Measuring just about everything does not work however, you need to identify the metrics that are suited to your business and what you want to achieve.
To manually track this data is inefficient, prone to error, unreliable, and time-consuming. Hence, Field Service Management solutions like ServiceEcho can set you up to track exactly what you need so you always have relevant, reliable information on hand to make informed decisions.
Here are some of the KPI’s you should be tracking:
Time taken to respond to customers
As we have discussed before, providing excellent customer service is essential if you want to retain and attract customers. Response time greatly contributes to how pleased customers are with the service you provide.
Being able to measure how long it takes to respond to the call, provide a solution, hold times, etc., and if there are processes that work or don’t. Identifying patterns in the response time of technicians may unfold areas where technicians need extra support or if the back office can improve certain processes that enable technicians to provide better service.
Time for Travel
A useful metric to track is the amount of time that it takes your technicians to arrive to their work orders. If travel times have an increasing trend or are already high, it is a good indicator that technicians are being sent to work orders that are too far away from each other, there are not enough technicians with a specific skill to go around, or there are too many last-minute changes to routes. Resulting in wasted times and increased costs. With this information and metric, you can come up with solutions that FSM can help with, such as providing the most efficient routes on the mobile app.
Time for completing work orders
Administrative tasks take up a considerable amount of technicians’ time, especially if processes are still manual. To truly measure employee productivity, the time they spend on completing their assigned tasks or work orders should be tracked. With ServiceEcho’s app, a mobile device can easily keep track of time spent on tasks and separate that from other things like travel time for example.
If more time is spent on creating invoices, filling in customer data, calling the office back and forth to gather information on asset or customer history than on their work orders, measures should be put in place to improve the efficiency of administrative tasks. Field service solutions have the capability to immediately sync technicians’ input without having to reenter data and waste time.
First-time fix rate
Getting the job done efficiently is important, but getting the job done right the first time can save you resources, time and boost customer satisfaction. This area being technicians area of expertise should be relatively easy to get right the first time, however, if KPI’s indicate a pattern in low first time fix rates, technicians may need more support when on the field. This could be due to a lack of information on customer history, poor asset or inventory management or having to complete administrative tasks alongside their work.
If this is the case, then solutions like ServiceEcho can set technicians up when on the field so they can focus on what they do best. They always have the information they need on hand to provide the best customer service. This also helps reduce the number of times technicians have to go back to fix something the second time- which is another KPI to keep in mind.
Scheduling times
Scheduling your technicians should be optimized in order to maximize the number of work orders completed in a day. If this process takes a considerable amount of time, it means that time that could have been spent meeting customer requests is gone down the drain, losing revenue and customer satisfaction.
Schedulers or managers need to be able to quickly appoint technicians if and when emergencies arise. They must also ensure that technicians that are already out on the field and have completed their tasks, closest to the site are sent to fulfill these emergency requests. More often than not, this is impossible without complete visibility of technicians’ progress and schedules. Field Service Management Solutions like ServiceEcho have easy-to-use scheduling software that ensures efficiency and productivity.
Customer Retention
Retaining customers should be one of the main priorities of any field service company, as customer acquisition is expensive due to the time, money, and effort that it takes to acquire new customers.
Simply put existing customers are more important, as revenue from existing customers can sustain your field service organization, and if they are satisfied with their service they can use word-of-mouth for referrals and find new clients with a higher chance of landing them. In addition, you can continue to offer your existing customers new products and services to keep them satisfied and improve their experience while making more revenue for your organization. Therefore, it is important to keep track of this metric to analyze why you are retaining or losing customers.
Most FSM solutions integrate with CRM solutions or have it built-in. With ServiceEcho you can keep track of your customers and KPI’s in one central location to maximize efficiency.
In conclusion, you can’t improve what you can’t measure. It is important to make sure you have the right technology to gather the relevant information you need to ensure you are on the right track to meet your business goals and objectives. Demo ServiceEcho today to see how your performance management, revenue, and customer satisfaction can be improved with KPIs.